In Matthew 24, the disciples specifically asked Jesus what the signs would be concerning His coming & of the end of the age. .. In verses 4-8, Jesus tells us this … “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5) For many will come in my name. claiming, ‘I am the Christ, and will deceive many. 6) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7) Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8) All these are the beginning of birth pains.” .. (Also see Mark 13 & Luke 21 as well as the rest of Matthew 24) …
Jesus told us that in the days leading up to His triumphant return that we would witness the increase of many terrible events – wars & rumors of wars, nations railing against one another, increasing pestilences such as earthquakes & fearful weather events, famine, signs in the sun, moon & stars, increasing persecution of His flock, Jerusalem surrounded by armies as the nations of the earth come against His chosen people, blatant deception in any & all forms, and on & on. .. He specifically said that these events would increase like ‘birth pains’ as in a child’s birth – increasing in both intensity & frequency as the conclusion drew nearer. ..
In July/August of 2015, I presented to you a 6-part series entitled “Living on Borrowed Time” which basically categorized six specific areas of Bible Prophecy to be watchful of in these final days leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. .. Having established that, I believe it is now time to briefly re-visit each of these just to see how they are progressing as we move into the new year. .. Because of the sheer length, I will present it in two parts. The following is part 1 which will include Israel, the Signs of Nature , & the Signs of Society .. Part 2 will conclude with Spiritual Signs, the Signs of Technology, & the Signs of World Politics. .., Here’s part 1 ……
1) ISRAEL (God’s Prophetic time-clock) – Zechariah 12:2-3 says .. “I am going to make Israel a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling.. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3) On that day, when all the NATIONS OF THE EARTH ARE GATHERED AGAINST HER, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” (emphasis mine) …… This became a blunt reality on December 23, 2016 when the UN Security Council voted unanimously (with the U.S. abstaining to make this possible) to come against Israel as to her rights concerning Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, settlements, etc. .. On top of this, 70 nations will be gathering together on January 15th, 2017 (2 days from now) in what appears to be a move to further damage Israel’s rights to her chosen land. ..(Note: Sadly, the rumors that our own President & Secy of State were behind the Dec. 23rd results seem to be true. ,, Israeli PM Netanyahu claims to have proof! .. This could be bad for the U.S. as the Bible .. Genesis 12:3 as an example – says that any nation that comes against His chosen people will be cursed) … As Zechariah prophesied, all the nations of the earth appear to be coming against Israel at this moment! …
Going forward, I believe the pressure on Israel will only increase as prophecy tells us it will. .. Even though we are hearing of a more positive U.S. approach to Israel with the newly elected administration, it will be short-lived. .. Also, watch for the Third Temple to become more of a reality as many efforts are now ongoing for that to take place. .. This IS a prophecy that will be fulfilled in these final days. .. The Temple will be rebuilt! .. We will also see anti-semitism continue to increase across the globe. .. It’s already horrible in secular Europe and is spreading rapidly everywhere. …
2) SIGNS OF NATURE – As is the norm, this is the most scoffed at prophecy category of all. .. The nay-sayers most always proclaim that all the ‘nature things’ have always happened – that it is as it always has been. .. While this is true in that natural disasters have always been around, there is pure proof, even admitted by secular scientists, that they have NEVER been like they are now. .. An example is earthquakes. .. Facts prove out that 6+ magnitude earthquakes have more that quadrupled over the past several decades. .. In fact, 7+s are setting all-time records. .. Also, there are more recorded volcanoes, with predictions of more to come, taking place as we speak. .. In fact, several of them are considered mega-volcanoes which would cause great havoc to this planet should they decide to ‘go off!’ ..
Unless we are blinded by sheer ignorance or denial, one can’t help but see the numerous statements by the various media outlets that are using the terms ‘record-setting’ – ‘unprecedented’ -‘Biblical proportions’ – ‘Apocalyptic’ – simply, these are the “birth pains” spoken of by Jesus Himself in Matthew 24:8 ……
Going forward, these apocalyptic weather/climate events will only increase in number & intensity as we move ever closer, not to mention famine. ….
3) SIGNS OF SOCIETY – 2 Timothy 3:1-4 says this .. “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves. lovers of money, boastful, proud abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3) without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4) treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rater than lovers of God.”
Unless we are complete idiots, we cannot deny that this is just how real our world has become! .. Just look at the recently completed U.S. presidential campaign as an example. .. NEVER have we witnessed such horrible antics from both sides of the political aisle. .. Lying, cheating corruption, pride & self-aggrandizement .. stuff only once even imagined in a novel. .. Simply we saw the entire political process descend into the depths of hell! .. Either way, at least in my humble opinion, we as a nation, lost. .. And sadly, this was preceded by the most ‘lawless’ president in U.S. history, who not only bypassed the elected officials but also promoted gay rights, abortion same-sex marriage – all biblically condemned as sin. ..
We are also seeing a rapid increase of violent acts in the public square. .. Shootings & beatings are becoming the ‘norm’ in daily newscasts. … Even our law enforcement is under attack, not only by many individuals & groups, but also by some of our politicians! ..
As previously mentioned, the ‘gay’ agenda is being promoted now by most all entities in our society. .. The ‘Days of Lot’ are upon us as the LGBTQ (& many more letters) is receiving support as most national industries are now promoting it in their ‘prime-time’ ads. .. Even many of our ‘christian’ churches are supporting this condition determined by scripture as an ‘abomination.’ ..
Going forward, what we are witnessing is the ‘great falling away’ running up & into the prophesied 7-year Tribulation period. .. Even our churches are in total denial of the truth of basic scriptural teachings! .. Salvation issues are unrecognizable! .. Simply, the Church, the only real hope in the end, has fallen into an apostate, lukewarm condition. .. What did Jesus say to this Church about this? .. “I’m about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16) .. Wow! .. If that doesn’t get our attention, nothing will! …
Sadly, all these things will continue to escalate as we move into the final moments of the Church Age. .. The great worry for America right now, besides the glorifying of sin, is the betrayal of the Jewish nation. .. Most likely, we have passed the ‘point of no return’ & will face devastating consequences in the very near future. ..
There is no question prophetic events are in full swing, & these ‘birth pains’ will only escalate going forward. ..But here’s the hope – what each of us as individuals must hang on to .. we can make a difference as for those we come into contact with. .. The Lord wishes that none should perish & we as witnesses can show these lost souls that we are truly different – that we are joyful & without worry, and that they, too, can have the same thing. .. We need to tell everyone we can about Jesus now, before it’s too late. .. Trust me when I say, time is very very short. ……
Know that I am praying for each of you, and God knows exactly who you are! .. hallelujah! .. and please pray for me as well as we all need each other’s ‘covering’ …..
Until next time,