Truth or Coincidence

“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding people reeling.  Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.  3) On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations.  All who try to move it will injure themselves.” .. Zechariah 12:2-3 (NIV) …….

Needless to say, the ‘prophetic world’ is abuzz since the United States, specifically President Barack Obama, abstained on the recent UN Security Council move that enabled the council to unanimously pass a measure which limits/restricts Israel’s rites to their divinely appointed homeland & eternal capital, Jerusalem. .. Because of this abstention, many believe that Mr. Obama has just put a curse on our nation. .. Many verses in the Bible, including the opening one from the prophet Zechariah, says that any people/nation that comes against God’s chosen people will be cursed. .. And what most likely makes things even worse, information is now surfacing that Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as Obama, was behind this whole thing from the beginning! …

So then, why would Bible prophecy ‘watchmen’ like myself be on high alert? … Simply, there have literally been dozens of instances in recent decades when the U.S. has been hit by some sort of immediate disaster when it made a move toward the dividing of the Land of Israel. .. The following are some brief examples that stand out …

*The last time the U.S. Government refused to veto an anti-Israel resolution at the UN was on March 22, 1979 when President Carter, an avowed anti-semite, chose not to veto UN Resolution 446. .. Four days later, March 26, the Egypt/Israel Peace Treaty was signed in Washington. .. As a result, Israel gave up a tremendous amount of territory. .. Two days later, On March 28, the worst nuclear disaster (Three-mile Island) in U.S. history made headlines all over the world. ……

*On October 30, 1991 President George H.W. Bush opened the Madrid Peace Conference which brought Israelis & Palestinians together to negotiate for the very first time. .. In his opening speech, Bush told Israel that “territorial compromise is essential for peace.” .. At that same exact time, the ‘Perfect Storm’ was brewing in the Atlantic. .. This legendary storm traveled 1000 miles the WRONG DIRECTION & sent 35-foot waves slamming directly to President Bush’s home in Kennebunkport, Maine. ……

*On August 23rd, 1992, the Madrid Peace Conference moved to Washington DC, and the very next day Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Florida causing $30 billion in damage. .. It was the worst natural disaster up to time in U.S. history. ……

*On January 16, 1994 President Clinton met with President Assad of Syria to discuss the possibility of Israel giving up the Golan Heights. .. Within 24 hours, the devastating Northridge earthquake hit southern California. .. It was the 2nd worst natural disaster up to that time in U.S. history. ……

*On January 5, 1998 Israeli PM Netanyahu arrived at the White House but received a very cold reception. .. In fact, President Clinton & Secretary of State Madeleine Albright actually refused t have lunch with him. .. That exact same day the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, sending the Clinton presidency into a tailspin from which it would never fully recover. ……

*On September 28, 1998 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was working on finalizing a plan which would have Israel give up approximately 13% of Judea & Samaria. .. On that precise day, Hurricane George slammed into the Gulf Coast with wind gusts of up to 175 milers an hour. ……

*On May 3, 1999 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was supposed to hold a press conference to declare the creation of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as the capital. .. On that precise day, the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded in the U.S. ripped through Oklahoma & Kansas. .. At one point one of the tornadoes actually had a wind speed of 316 miles an hour. ……

*On April 30, 2003, the “Road Map to Peace” that had been developed by the so-called ‘Quartet’ was presented to Israeli PM Ariel Sharon by U.S. Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer. .. Over the next seven days, the U.S. was hit by a staggering 412 tornadoes. .. It was the largest tornado cluster ever recorded up to that time. ……

*In 2005, President George W. Bush convinced Israel that it was necessary to remove all of the Jewish settlers out of Gaza & turn it over entirely to the Palestinians. .. According to the New York Times, the very last of the settlers were evacuated on August 23, 2005. .. On that precise day, a storm that would be given the name ‘Katrina’ started forming over the Bahamas. .. The City of New Orleans still, to this day, has not fully recovered from the damage that storm caused, & it ranked the costliest natural disaster in all of U.S. history up to that time. ……

*On May 19, 2011 Barack Obama told Israel that there must be a return to the pre-1967 borders. .. Three days later on May 22 a half-mile wide EF-5 multiple-vortex tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. .. The facts confirm it was the costliest tornado in U.S. history. ……

Coincidence? .. Seems a bit much for that to be true. .. And now we face another U.S. betrayal of our supposed closest ally, the only legitimate democracy in the entire middle east, and the specific one mentioned in the Bible as having apocalyptic consequences for such a thing! …

Are we cursed as a nation? .. Will there be some sort of imminent natural or spiritual disaster coming our way? .. History seems to bare this out. .. One hope we can hang on to for right now is that the incoming new administration seems to have a better ‘attitude’ towards Israel. .. Just maybe this will hold off what is otherwised ‘promised.’ … We will know soon enough! …

The bottom line? … The Bible guarantees this … Any peoples or nation that comes against the Nation of Israel will be punished. .. In fact, history proves that NO nation has EVER survived when coming up against God’s chosen people. .. Is America an exception? .. I think not!  .. Our only hope right now is that God will allow us a bit more time to get our act together. .. For those of us who ‘get it,’ we must fall on our knees & fervently pray for this nation! .. Believe it or not, THIS IS OUR ONLY HOPE.

Know that I will be doing this, and also praying for each of you as we move ever closer to His glorious return! .. Hallelujah!

Until next time,


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